Category Archives: Genomics General

How hidden protective mutations can change the course of a toxic tort case

Identifying protective mutations through comprehensive genetic screening gives litigators more leverage to argue disease causation in court. Protective mutations are certain altered points in an individual’s DNA that can give them robust resistance to developing disease even if exposed to a known causative agent. Accordingly, if genetic testing shows that a particular person harbors resistance […]

New clarity on cancer causation with the very first, gap-free sequence of the human genome

Two decades after the initial draft from the Human Genome Project, the very first seamless and gap-free sequence of the entire human genome has been completed by the Telomere to Telomere (T2T) consortium. Researchers involved in the breakthrough call this advancement “[critical] for understanding the genetic contributions to certain diseases”. In toxic tort, this advancement […]

Webinar – Legal and Ethical Challenges in Mesothelioma Cases Involving Young People

For first of its kind new data related to the growing number of lawsuits involving young people with mesothelioma, please join next week’s Perrin webinar: Legal and Ethical Challenges in Young Mesothelioma Cases. One key fact is the cases often involve people who have medical histories that include a range of benign tumors, cysts, cancers and/or […]

Genomic Evidence Essential to Asbestos and Talc Cases: Dr. Len van Zyl Presents at Perrin National Conference

On September 9, Dr. Len van Zyl of ToxicoGenomica presented at Perrin Conferences’ National Asbestos Litigation Conference at the Fairmont San Francisco Hotel. The conference was greatly attended, and attendees were provided with key information on the trends that are currently driving asbestos litigation and the impact these trends may have on future cases. Dr. […]

Perrin conference

The Application of Genomics in Asbestos and Talc Cases: Dr. Len van Zyl will be Speaking at the Perrin National Asbestos Litigation Conference

On September 9-11, Dr. Len van Zyl of ToxicoGenomica will be speaking at Perrin Conferences’ National Asbestos Litigation Conference at the  Fairmont San Francisco Hotel, San Francisco, CA. This marks the tenth anniversary of the three-day conference which provides attendees with a deeper understanding of the trends currently driving asbestos litigation and the impact these […]


Signature Mutations Might be the Best Alternative Cause Defense You Never Heard Of

An important feature that has emerged from this new genomic knowledge is known as “signature mutations.” In short, specific exposures cause specific patterns of mutations to occur in tumors. These mutation patterns within the cancer tissue therefore serve as a clear marker for that specific exposure (hence the term “signature mutation”).

Looking Forward to the Incredible Scale and Pace of Genomics in the Near Future

We work with genomics every day, but sometimes it’s difficult to convey  the scale and pace of the gathering and analysis of genomic data. That said, graphics can help, as shown below. The graphic clearly shows the decline in cost and the associated consumer adoption of genetic techniques in the near future. The publisher of […]

Hand is inserting sequence of DNA. Genetic engineering, GMO and Gene manipulation concept.

New Paper Explores Heritable Genetic Factors Related To Mesothelioma

A new paper by Kharazmi and colleagues present important data regarding the heritable nature of mesothelioma using epidemiological techniques to analyze the population-based Swedish Cancer Registry. The results, reported in the European Journal of Cancer, are important because the findings confirm that both genes and exposures are relevant, and on their face, appear helpful to […]